Design: 2015 – 2016
Type:Spatial design
Key Words: Music
Project Specification:
This personal project aims to reveal the process of doing practice research between the spatial design and metal-core music.The author’s original intention was to follow the postmodernism theory to find an innovative transition between spatial design and music . The ideal result which the author wants which is to intuitively help people visualize the musical elements in spatial streamlines. It is a typical Postmodernist practice , meanwhile an innovative experiment for different eras.The whole personal project exemplifies how the author records the postmodernist practice process (uses the practice-led research methodology ),screens the information from reflective dairy and practices in interdisciplinary exploration.

客户: 阿尔托大学艺术设计与建筑学院
地点: 芬兰阿尔托大学
类型: 空间研究
设计师: Hao Wu
时间: 2015 – 2016