Design: 2016.08 – 2017,12
Design team: WIA
According to the relevant survey datas in 2016, tortoises climb to the third place of the pet market occupation globally, which is approximately 6% of the pet species overall. The market potential is relatively infinite. Throughout the tortoise related merchandises, the majorities are conventional, stiff and tedious. As a designer, who had kept the tortoise as pets for 6 years and generates great passion on these creatures and auxiliary products, the author decides to delve into the hybrid projects which intersect each other, in order to research interactive elements between humans and tortoises. The entire thesis is mainly segmented into 2 parts —— data collections and practice research. During the process, the author possesses the practice-led research method. Namely, self-reflection is a key mean in doing the research. Meanwhile, references, feedback, and comments are essential in the research process. Subsequently, 3D model making, prototype making, supervising, questioning and photographing are utilized for the ultimate design outcomes. After the arduous practice in architectural, spatial and product territories for a couple of months, series of prototypes are embodies. The ultimate practice outcomes combine the habits derived from various tortoises, interactions with humans and domestic environments together, demonstrate the impression of organic, compatible, portable, futuristic and sustainable. Not surprisingly, the exhibition of these product series will scheme in 2018 for the purpose of social feedback and market tests.
Key words: Tortoise Pet Interactions Hybrid Self-reflection Architectural products

客户: 阿尔托大学
地点: 芬兰赫尔辛基
类型: 空间装置
设计师: WIA建筑设计事务所
时间: 2016.08 – 2017.12