Design: 2014.09 – 10
Design team: WI Studio
Type: Furniture [Innovating and Materials Practice]
Key Words: Easy-Chair and Plywood
Project Specification:
The aim of this project is to design and make a 1/1 scale mock-up for light easy-chair. Use 1.5mm plywood for the seat and 15 X 15mm steel tube for the frame structure. All the mock-up chairs are painted ultramarine blue.
The name “Yin-Yang” is derived from the oriental Chinese philosophical point of view. In order to endow the spirit in the project, the author highlights the hollow spirit with four pieces of ultra – thin plywoods. Therefore,the contrast between solid interfaces and hollow sections demonstrate the design spirits.

客户: 瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际设计周
地点: 瑞典斯德哥尔摩
类型: 躺椅
设计师: 吴淏
时间: 2014.09 – 10